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Jean-Baptiste Dagorn

Jean-Baptiste Dagorn is PhD Student at Urmis Paris (doctoral fellowship at Ecole normale supérieure). Cosupervisors : Françoise Lestage and Maité Boullosa-Joly (université d’Amiens). Temporary title: Political identity, autochtonous identity; “originarios” and the Argentine State”.

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Tatiana Medvedeva

Tatiana Medvedeva is PhD Student (2015-2018 contract) at université Paris Diderot (Urmis) Title : Circulation and transformation of scientific schools and traditions. A case-study of (post)Soviet math-physicists. Supervisors: Mahamet Timera (URMIS, Paris Diderot) and Olivier Martin (CERLIS, Paris Descartes). Contact :


International Conference “Cuba & Africa” – Engagements, Circulations and Racial Representations in the 20th Century

Provisional Programme23- 24 May 2016 The Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa Provisional Programme Monday 23 May  09.30- 10.00 Welcome  10.00- 11.00 Introduction and Notes Adrien DELMAS (IFAS), Giulia BONACCI (IRD, URMIS), Shamil JEPPIE (HUMA, University of Cape Town) and Jean Albergel (IRD)  11.00- 12.00 Panel 1: Contours of a Cuban Pan-Africanism I José Luis MARTàN ROMERO (Universidad de La Habana) : Cuban […]

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Doctorant-e-s Urmis

Ahmad Alaqra

Ahmad Alaqra is PhD Student at URMIS, Paris Diderot. His background is in Architecture and Urbanism.

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Job Offer: Research Assistant for an European Project

URMIS (University of Nice) is opening a post-doctorate position of Research Assistant to assist in carrying out the Sub-national context and radical right support in Europe (SCoRE) research project, under the auspices of the French ANR and in collaboration with three other research partners in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Position details  1-YR contract, from 1st April 2016  Full-time  University post-doctorate wage, French public administration index 580  Gross monthly […]

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Pinar Selek

Pınar Selek (PhD in political science) is sociologist, lecturer and researcher.