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Axis 2. Immigrants and minority groups as the focus of public action, institutional practices and public speech

Axis 2. Programme 1. Immigration as a social and political issue

As it is more important than ever to be aware of the issues analysed in Axis 1 in order to avoid the categories, the modes of thinking and even the analytical perspectives imposed particularly by the institutional or political rationale, study must also focus on the processes themselves that constitute immigration as a “social issue”. The analyses developed in this programme concentrate on migrant participation in the general institutional structure […]

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Axis 2. Immigrants and minority groups as the focus of public action, institutional practices and public speech

Axis 2. Programme 2. Racism, discrimination, inequality and the production of categories of otherness

This programme brings together research which delves into both the very consistency of racist social relations, viewed as one of the forms that interethnic social relations can take, and how racism is manifested, in particular through processes of discrimination or segregation. Racism today is partly expressed through inconspicuous processes, at times difficult to percept. Certain discursive forms (such as “veiled racism”) go so far as to counter the anti-racist ideology. […]

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Axis 2. Immigrants and minority groups as the focus of public action, institutional practices and public speech

Axis 2. Programme 3. Discourse, staging and conflicts involving otherness

The research conducted in the framework of this programme focuses on the public confrontation- in the daily life of individuals, in political discourse or movements, in social science research- of representations, discourse and practices which contribute to the decrease or reinforcement of boundaries between groups that see themselves or are designated as different. Beyond the diversity of its authors, rationales and procedures, the research in this programme attests to the […]