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Axis 3. Collective identities: movements, construction, staging, narration

Axis 3. Programme 2. Religious and artistic mobility and trans-nationalisation

This programme brings together research stemming from the anthropology of music and dance, considered specific to their diverse contexts, whether religious, urban or, in a different approach, in the context of globalisation. An additional approach focuses more specifically on the question of religion in a migratory context.

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Axis 3. Collective identities: movements, construction, staging, narration

Axis 3. Programme 4. States, borders, territories, otherness

This programme deals with identity distribution through analysis of relations between modes of production of otherness, modes of political management and modes of State territorial production. These latter, through political and administrative injunctions, can organise the redistribution of identities that are conjointly statutory and territorial within one country or region (Mali). They can also refer to borders and border zones separating nation States (Guyana/ Surinam; Kenya/Uganda; Thailand/Laos), and to these […]