
Commemorating the Abolition of Slavery

– The National Museums of Kenya  The Catholic University of Eastern Africa  The Institute of Research for Development (IRD, France)  The Research Unit ” Migrations and Societies “ (URMIS, France)  The International Research Centre on Slaveries (Ciresc, France)  The National Committee for the Memory and History of Slavery (Cnmhe, France) invite you to : Commemorating the Abolition of Slavery A series of events organized in Mombasa and Nairobi, Kenya 1st May […]


Blackness and Mestizaje in Mexico and Central America

– Edited by Elisabeth Cunin and Odile Hoffmann  200 pages  Publisher: Africa Research & Publications (5 December 2013)  Language: English  ISBN-10: 1592219330  ISBN-13: 978-1592219339  22,4 x 14 x 1,8 cm  Price: $24.95  Categories: Sociology, History, Multicultural Studies/Latin America In the last decades of the twentieth century, black movements began to emerge as a visible force in Latin America, although in a very disperse form. Mexican and Central American configurations, […]


The 2012 French Presidential Elections. The Inevitable Alternation

_ By Jocelyn Evans and Gilles Ivaldi Series: French Politics, Society and Culture Palgrave Macmillan, 21 Nov 2013 Price: £65.00 Hardback ISBN 9781137011633 224 pages  Description on publisher’s website: The 2012 French Presidential elections marked a watershed moment for the French Left, marking their return to a full term of executive power for the first time since 1981. From early in the campaign, the victory of François Hollande appeared […]

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Low Tech/High Tech | Artmap International Workshop

International Workshop, Low Tech/High Tech, For a new mapping of assembly methods Venues: ENSCI, 17-18 Dec., and Musée du Quai Branly, 19 Dec. 2012 Coordination : ARTMAP, URMIS-IRD, Paris Diderot, LESC-CNRS-Paris Ouest, Musée du Quai Branly. Organisation : D. Vidal, E. Grimaud, Y.P. Tastevin More information : Programme

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Workshop: Legacies of Slavery in East Africa. Heritage, Land and Contemporary Identities

Methodological Meeting Goal: Building a common framework of enquiry between researchers in Kenya and Ethiopia: Colleagues from Ethiopia will be introduced to training in heritage management by their Kenyan counterparts through the visit of sites connected to slavery heritage on the Kenya coast. This workshop takes place with the financial support of the platform HeReGo (Heritage, Resources and Governance) launched by the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD).

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On forced migrations and labour Slaves & slavery from an Ethiopian perspective Research seminar 2011-2012

Dear friends and colleagues, please find hereunder the announcement of the next session of our research seminar on slavery, to be held at Addis Ababa university, Siddist Kilo campus of Social sciences, in the History Department, at the ground floor (room G 9) on Friday May 25, from 2-5pm. Entrance is free and open to all On forced migrations and labour Slaves & slavery from an Ethiopian perspective Research seminar […]


The Challenge of the Threshold. Border Closures and Migration Movements in Africa

The Challenge of the Threshold. Border Closures and Migration Movements in Africa Edited by Jocelyne Streiff-Fénart and Aurelia Segatti  Publisher: Lexington Books, Lanham, Md, USA.  Hardback November 2011: $95.00 (£59.95)  ISBN : 978-0-7391-6510-2  288 pages  Paperback November 2013: $37.99 (£22.95)  ISBN : 978-0-7391-6511-9  eBook November 2011: $37.99 (£22.95)  ISBN 978-0-7391-6512-6  Contributions by: Julien Brachet; Lorenzo Gabrielli; Paolo Gaibazzi; Elise Palomares; Anaik Pian; Philippe Poutignat; Catherine Quiminal; Joris Schapendonk; Aurelia Segatti; Amandine Spire; […]

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“Low-Tech/High-Tech” Workshop

Denis Vidal, Research Director at IRD and member of Urmis, organises with Emmanuel Grimaud (CNRS) and Ravi Sundaram (SARAI/CSDS), a Workshop on “Low-Tech/High-Tech”. Click here to read the presentation on IFP Website :


International Conference: Land Policies in East Africa; Technological Innovations, Administration & Patrimonial Stakes

The Land Policies in East Africa International conference will be taking place on 2nd – 3rd – 4th November at Makerere University. Many local and international researchers have documented land-related issues in East Africa and wider scientific exchanges are expected to stem from this meeting. The main aim of the conference is to present on-going research which questions common representations about land and policy-making. By analysing current and longerterm trends […]

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Call for papers “Land policies in East Africa: Technological Innovations, Administration and Patrimonial stakes”, International Conference, Kampala, Uganda, November 2nd and 4th 2011

This conference aims at promoting scientific exchanges involving researchers and stakeholders dealing with land issues. Participants will be invited to share their work and experiences in order to assess land strategies and policies within a comparative framework. This conference was initiated by Ugandan and French researchers from the Institute of Research for Development (IRD, France) and the University of Makerere (Kampala, Uganda). Many local and international researchers in East Africa


Call for papers “Founding Territorial Sciences”

23-24-25 November 2011. Espace Isadora Duncan – Campus Meudon Bellevue of CNRS. Deadline to submit proposals : 15 June 2011. Website :

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Workshop ” Mobilities, Regulations, and Citizenship “

Poster / Affiche programmeWorkshop Université Paris Diderot / University of Chicago ” Mobilities, Regulations, and Citizenship “ September 23 and 24, 2010 Coordinators:  Gilles Guiheux (Université Paris Diderot, SEDET)  James Hevia (University of Chicago)  Manuela Martini (Université Paris Diderot, ICT)  Dominique Vidal Université Paris Diderot, URMIS) Session 1: September 23- Morning  Manuela Martini (Université Paris Diderot, ICT), Moderator  Gilles Guiheux (Université Paris Diderot, SEDET) Title: White-collar migrants in coastal Chinese […]


International Conference: Transit Migration in Africa. Nice (France), 10-12 December 2009

PosterThe International Conference Transit Migration in Africa: Local and Global Dynamics, Politics and Experiences is organized on 10-12 December 2009, at the Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, by Urmis and the Institut français d’Afrique du Sud as the closing closing event to MITRANS, a French National Research Agency (2006-2009) funded research programme devoted to the analysis of mobility within and from the African continent in the context of a hardening of […]