Elisabeth Cunin

Elisabeth Cunin is Researcher at the IRD, posted in Mexico (2007-2011).

CIESAS Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologà­a Social – Sede Peninsular

Calle 61 #443 entre 50 y 52, Centro, Mérida, CP 97000, Yucatán, México

Member of the GDRI Slavery Board http://www.esclavages.cnrs.fr

Research themes

Ethnic mixing and multiculturalism

Emergence of the “Afrodescendant” category in Colombia: political and cultural dimensions

The production of alterity and policies of otherness in two very different national contexts, Mexico and Belize

These research programmes are undertaken in a threefold framework:

CIESAS-CEMCA-IRD Research Convention (2007-2009): Inclusion and exclusion along a border: nation and alterity in Mexico and Belize

ANR Suds- AIRD AFRODESC programme: Afrodescendants and slavery: domination, identification and inheritance in the Americas (15th-21st centuries) 2008-2011 http://www.ird.fr/afrodesc

European EURESCL programme: Slave Trade, Slavery, Abolitions and their Legacies in European Histories and Identities (2008-2011)

Main publications and more information on french version of this page