Migration Triage and Experiences of Blocking : Africa, America, Europe

International Conference, 21 – 24 June 2021, Nice (France) – Université Côte d’Azur.

Website: https://www.icmigrations.cnrs.fr/en/tribloc

Organizing Committee and Institutional Support:
Florence Boyer, URMIS/IRD et GERMES Niger, Laurent Faret, CESSMA/Université de Paris et IRD/CIESAS Mexique, Françoise Lestage, URMIS/Université de Paris, Dolores París, COLEF Mexique, Swanie Potot, CNRS/URMIS Nice

URMIS, CESSMAel Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Observatoire des migrations dans les Alpes Maritimes. 

Institut Convergence Migrations (ICM), Institut de la Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Institut des Amériques (IDA), Fédération Sciences Sociales Suds (F3S), Université de Paris, Université Côte d’Azur

Contact: colloque.trimigbloc@gmail.com

On a global scale, many migrant populations are stopped in their journey at international border or on the roads and places that are gradually built up as internal state borders. The political processes of contention are currently a common denominator of the production of blocked situations. As part of a transformation of the dynamics of control and surveillance, these policies don’t succeed in completely prohibit crossings, but do limit them and produce distinctions between people who will get access to destination countries and those who will encounter barriers. In spite of strong international injunctions, states have a space for negotiating their migration policies and arrangements, even if this space remains marked by patterns of domination and dependence.

The « border effects » have in common that they confront migrants, like asylum seekers, with forms of blockage, thus lengthening waiting periods, producing new social dynamics, temporalities and spatiality where various actors intervene. The objective of the conference is to analyze the diversity of migratory situations produced by blockage at levels according to their production context. The aim of the event is to participate in the construction of a comparative framework to address these situations by putting into perspective the construction of migration policies and their effects in Africa, Latin America and Europe.

Practical information and Registration:
The public will be able to attend the conference in Nice upon registration. There is no registration fee.
Possibilities to follow the conference at a distance are envisaged, information to come.

More information: https://www.icmigrations.cnrs.fr/en/tribloc